“La realitat climàtica a la DO Empordà: com afrontar-la” al Celler Espelt
Celler Espelt has hosted the technical conference “Climate reality in DO Empordà: how to deal with it?” organized by the Department of Climate Action of the Generalitat of Catalonia with the collaboration of IRTA and DO Empordà.
We have been suffering from an unprecedented drought for three years and the forecasts are not promising at all. Today we took part in the technical conference “The climate reality in the DO Empordà: how to deal with it?” took place in our house. organized by the Department of Climate Action of the Generalitat of Catalonia, and the collaboration of IRTA and DO Empordà.
Durant la jornada s’ha fet especial atenció a la necessitat de fer una poda respectuosa, especialment amb la conferència “La Poda. Canviar per continuar” a càrrec de Vicenç Canals, director de l’Acadèmia de Poda d’INNOVI, i també sobre l’adaptació de la vinya en el canvi climàtic, a la conferència de Robert Savé, investigador emèrit de l’IRTA, amb la conferència: “Cal saber què passa i passarà per poder adaptar la nostra vinya a la realitat ambiental del segle XXI”. Tot seguit ha tingut lloc una taula rodona a la qual hi ha participat els mateixos Robert Savé i Vicenç Canals, juntament amb la participació d’altres cellers de la DO Empordà: M. Àngels Casanovas (ADV Empordàlia), Roger Hurtós (Cavas Castillo Perelada) i l’Anna Espelt (Espelt Viticultors).
Special attention was paid to the need for respectful pruning, especially with the conference “Pruning. Change to continue” by Vicenç Canals, director of INNOVI’s Pruning Academy, and also on the adaptation of the vineyard to climate change, at the conference of Robert Savé, IRTA researcher emeritus, with the conference: “We need to know what is happening and will happen in order to adapt our vineyard to the environmental reality of the 21st century” . This was followed by a round table in which Robert Savé and Vicenç Canals themselves took part, along with the participation of other DO Empordà wineries: M. Àngels Casanovas (ADV Empordàlia), Roger Hurtós (Cavas Castillo Perelada ) and Anna Espelt (Espelt Viticultors). The need to rethink where it is best to plant new vines, was a second point mentioned, as drought and flood zones might change. Recently we have seen that the wider planting frames and the return to the pot that we are applying in most vineyards are giving very good results. Finally, we believe that it will be necessary for the collaboration of administrations since climate change is going faster than was planned. This is especially necessary in viticulture, a long term crop, since our adaptation is already taking place at full speed.
We believe that the Conferences organized by Acció Climàtica are a step forward to continue working together on adaptation and viticulture. Thank you for coming home!