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Why we take care of soils?

Soils are one of the most precious elements of a vineyard, perhaps the most important. The land and its wealth are essential to have happy vineyards that produce good fruit. But not only. It is also in the soils where it all begins, where the roots settle. If we have well-structured soils we will have more microorganisms and more macrobiota and therefore more life. Living soils will help us make a better wine. Green roofs or the reconstruction of dry stone walls are two of the active measures we have taken for this purpose. Today World Soil Conservation Day we remember that caring for our soils gives us many benefits in viticulture. Moreover, they are the first stone so that the earth in twenty, thirty, forty years from now, is more structured, needs less water and our work with him is more harmonious. In our Mediterranean landscape, with torrential rains and intense droughts, good soil management is essential in order to  to have a sustainable and wealthfull agriculture in the future.  It has benn I while since we became part of the European project MIDMACC, which aim is to study the effects of climate change on the vineyard and how we can adapt to them. The results we hope will be revealing. We will keep you informed!

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